Shanna Kabatznick
About Shanna
As the Queen of Connecting, Shanna has turned her 20+ years’ experience as a Latina woman in the male-dominated insurance and financial services industries into a platform to encourage, empower, and educate individuals, teams, and leaders. As a top producer in her field, Shanna qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), Women Leaders’ Symposium and Top Producer conferences.
Realizing her passion for inspiring, educating, and empowering women were bigger than the financial services realm, in 2014, Shanna founded FABWOMEN. An international women’s organization, the group has grown and thrived as Shanna’s "Fearless, Authentic, & Bold" message spreads. Today, Shanna is a speaker and strategist delivering keynotes, workshops, and programs focused on creating an authentic connection with prospects, building relationship-based teams, and embracing cross-cultural diversity.
She has been featured in CBS6 Virginia This Morning, ABC 8 News (WRIC). Sonabank POWER Plug Podcasts, the cover of CEO Magazine, Take the Lead podcast, and many others. she has also been a guest blogger at various publications and has released her new book “Master the Art of Connecting- 30 tips to Authentic Conversations.”