“Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. Knowing your limitations and being able to ask shows that you are a true leader.”
The 2x Women in Tech Podcast with Chelsea Behrens
Jessica Nava, Chief Growth Officer at The Moxie Exchange
If you’re looking to feel inspired – and hopeful – you’ll want to hear from Host Chelsea Behrens’ guest on this episode of The 2x Women In Tech Podcast. Jessica Nava, Chief Growth Officer at The Moxie Exchange, made a leap out of her longtime and very successful career in sales and development to take on the mission of making workplaces more diverse and inclusive. She is all about empowering marginalized people with the ultimate goal being a boardroom that represents currently under-represented people – and sooner than later! You’ll learn all about The Moxie Exchange’s evolution into an app that provides organizations metrics, predictive data and a platform for meaningful change in the workplace. Their Everyday Inclusion offers a safe space for people to explore, interact and grow in their commitment to DEI, fostering a sense in everyone that they belong. Jess shares highlights from her unexpected career trajectory as well as amazing words of wisdom for women who are contemplating a leap into tech. The opportunities are abundant, she says, so listen to your intuition, take a risk, leap in!
Key Takeaways:
All About The Moxie Exchange: Started as a women’s peer mentoring group and evolved into a larger app-based conversation and resource addressing all things Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
The app’s entry point is generally through organizations licensed to share it.
An Accidental Techie: Jessica came out of college without any interest in entering the tech space and even less interest in sales. But her innate skill sets (affable, competitive team player) made for a natural fit. Life is funny that way!
What made sales a “euphoric” experience for Jess was her love of stories and getting curious about what her clients’ needs were. And she never felt “othered” as a woman!
Along Jessica’s career trajectory: Telecommunications – selling large fiber optics networks, infrastructure as a service, computer and web network communications.
A Leap of Faith: Jessica shares what it was about Qualtrics, a Utah-based software development company, that wowed her – so much so that she and her family relocated from New York!
Getting Quiet: Why pausing and listening is key to hearing that “still, small voice” that intuitively knows where and what makes sense for you.
Not Enough and Too Slowly: Jess and Chelsea agree that the face of technology must change and that DEI will be pivotal in the process of advocating for that transformation.
How to bring the Everyday Inclusion app into your organization:
For starters, reach out to Jessica!
Strategize about how to get stakeholders behind adopting the DEI platform.
Important to Note: The tool is completely anonymous, which protects people who are afraid to speak up or ask potentially problematic questions. It’s a dashboard preventing future issues rather than a rear-view mirror on what happened in the past!
Because it’s data-driven, the Everyday Inclusion app offers metrics to help determine, shape and execute on DEI agendas – and progress!
No background in tech? Jump in! The sector needs individuals with a whole spectrum of skill sets.
Words of Wisdom:
Don’t resist asking for help. People respect it and want to be supportive.
Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. Let it go!
If you’re having trouble, identify the gap and what skill sets you need to acquire.
Modesty is ingrained in women culturally, but there are ways to position self-promotion – which is not the same thing as bragging!
Want to foster psychological safety – and feel good? Call out your wins each week!
Jess’s Ideal Vision for the Tech Industry: A massive boardroom in which half are men and half are women and half of that group are under-represented individuals. THAT is the future of tech!
Final Thought: Don’t be scared! Listen to your little voice and go with it! And if you’re doubting yourself in any way, check in with that sponsor or mentor. They will help you get back on track!
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