

Interview with Jaime Diglio

Meet powerhouse, Jaime Diglio, President of SomethingNew and mom of two.

Jaime had a highly successful career in corporate and, as a result of trying to do everything, faced extreme burnout. She talks in this interview about how this happened and how she re-built herself afterward. 

Through Jaime’s leadership, she’s identified different ways that women and men communicate. Hint: it has to do with how women are gatherers and men are hunters. This concept completely shifted how I view different teams I work with today. 

She walks us through her three-step process for courage and how choosing courage over comfort can help you in both work and at home. 

Jaime has so many nuggets in this interview that I let the recording go past the 30-minute mark. Enjoy 50 minutes of wisdom in this episode!

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Check out Jaime’s website for more resources!

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