Judy Foley
About Judy
Judy Foley is CEO and founder of Navigate Transformation, a company focused on accelerating growth and achieving competitive advantage through transformational change in supply chain and operations. Judy’s track record of creating competitive advantages and bottom-line impact for industry-leading enterprises included roles at Motorola, Allstate, CNA, and PRGX/Kraft Foods and mid-market companies including private equity and family-owned businesses. Noteworthy throughout her career has been establishing cost savings, cash flow improvements, process reengineering and defining critical key performance indicators (KPI’s). Her industry sector credentials include manufacturing, telecommunications/technology, insurance/financial, consumer products (CPG), automotive, healthcare, chemical, non-profit and consulting. Her credentials include hands-on operational experience working with boards of directors.
Judy is an author, speaker, executive/holistic coach, and founder of The Culture of Trust, a company focused on culture, leadership, and strategy with expertise in coaching, consulting, and training leaders on organizational transformational strategies, process improvement, and best practices. She is the author of the book on Why CEOs, Boards of Directors, and HR need to change the culture. She is also a contributing author of the new book Total Woman. She is certified in Women’s Issues, Diversity and Inclusion through the Professional Women’s Network, expertise in sexual harassment training, coaching and consulting, and is a member of the PWN International Speakers Bureau.
Active in the community, serves on a number of boards and committees including LaunchX at Northwestern University, a program that taps into the potential of ambitious high school students, supporting them through the process of launching startups. She finds it exciting to help others achieve their dreams and make our world a better place, as the youth are our future!
Judy resides in the Chicago suburbs. She is blessed to have 2 sons, 1 daughter, and an ex-husband who supported her through tough experiences and challenges.