Jaime Diglio
About Jaime
Jaime Lannon Diglio is the President of SomethingNew LLC. one of the fastest growing talent strategy firms in the country and 4x recipient for the American Business Award for Innovation. She is also a mom, speaker and author. Prior to joining the SomethingNew team, she held sales leadership roles at Microsoft and Gartner where she built winning teams as well as a multi-million-dollar business from the ground up.
After advising hundreds of the world’s leading organizations on their digital transformation strategies, she noticed a disturbing trend. Leaders had lost focus of their biggest asset, their people. She left corporate and shifted her career to shine a spotlight on how to win the war for talent by intentionally investing in people as your key to long term growth.
Companies are losing hundreds of millions of dollars every year because they don’t know how to attract and keep people. She believes that we have become the most connected yet disconnected society ever. The most fundamental communication skills have been lost. We have millions of talented people that have become uninspired and filled with defeat at work and at home.
Jaime uses her experience, her voice, and influence to help people understanding that they have great strengths & incredible courage that can be built from within. She is on a mission to coach leaders & their teams on how to make themselves stronger from the inside out. Today, through SomethingNew Labs, Jaime advises CEOs on how to rewire, hire & inspire their teams.